Streaming of Wild North West

Now you can stream our new single “Wild North West” on all streaming channesl. If you click on the link below then you choose your streaming sevrice. Make sure that you pre-save the record, then you will automaticly get the new singeles and the new album as they are released.

Click here to stream:

Please share it everywhere, play it over and over again and enjoy!

Wild North West video premiere

This is the first chapter from the new Vreid album and the movie “Wild North West”.

See the full music video for the title track here:

Album and movie out on April 30th on Season of Mist. You can pre-order vinyl, cd, limited editions and exclusive merch here:



Thanks for your support, spread the video like wildfire and welcome to the Wild North West.

New album and movie ‘Wild North West’

Norwegian Black ‘n Roll brigade VREID have announced the release of their new album ‘Wild North West’, which will be released on April 30th via Season of Mist.

The band’s ninth record is not just a collection of songs, but a concept album that developed alongside an entire movie. Throughout eight chapters the listener will be taken on a journey deep into the mountains, to a dark place where the borders between reality and fantasy fade and where death is only one step behind you: The Wild North West.

A teaser for the project can be found at the Season of Mist Youtube Channel.

VREID have furthermore unveiled the cover artwork and tracklist of ‘Wild North West’. The cover was created by Remi Juliebø (Deformat Design) and can be found below.

1. Wild North West (05:23)
2. Wolves at Sea (05:14)
3. The Morning Red (05:42)
4. Shadows of Aurora (05:20)
5. Spikes of God (04:10)
6. Dazed and Reduced (04:55)
7. Into the Mountains (05:20)
8. Shadowland (09:53)
Total: 0:49:23