Hello.Getting an sms from the flightcompany last Thursday saying that our flight to London cancelled due to a vulcanic eruption, made me wonder if they hade moved aprils fool day. But as you all know, this was not a joke at all. Unfortunally our showcase in London was cancelled, but the good news is that the show will be set up again this autumn.With no flights avaliable last week, we went directly from the airport to the ferry in Oslo. We got a place on the boat for Germany, so we did not have to cancel the other shows as well last weekend. It became a long trip for 2 shows, but sure are happy we made it, as the show at Royal Metal Fest i Denmark was absolutley killer. Now we are preparing for the shows next week with our special guest Vegard Bakken, this is going to be some very cool shows.See you next week.The Brigade.