Popkomm & Album title revealed

Good evening.

Just want to thank the organizer and the audience at Party San for a fantastic experience. The festival was brilliant, and playing in front of 9000 dedicated persons gåve us one hell of a kick. Check out some pictures from the show at our
myspace site.

We will return to Germany quite soon. On October the 9th we will play at K17 in Berlin. On this Indie recordings labelnight show we will be joined by our friends in Enslaved, Audrey Horne, Stonegard and Mencea. Www.k17.de This show is a part of the Popkomm festival, Europe’s main music trade festival www.popkomm.de

Besides that we are confirmed for the Motstoy festival in Notodden 2 days later. www.motstoy.com. We are also considering a couple of other shows for 2008, and unfortunaly we have had to say no to several other shows, as our main focus these days is to finish up the new album. But we can assure you that Vreid will be doing a lot of shows in 2009.

The recordings of the new album are more or less finished. We will continue the mixing during August/September, and we are currently trying out different mastering studios for the album. Things are going really well, and we can’t wait to unleash the album in early 2009. Black, Heavy & Atmospheric are the keywords.

The title of the album has been ready for a while; so we might as well reveal it. The new album will be entitled MILORG. So those of you that know your WW2 history will understand that we continue to pay tribute to the Norwegian resistance during this period. Milorg is the title of one of the songs on the album, while Alarm & Blücher is among the others.

Allright, hope to see you at the shows this autumn, and we will be feeding you with samples, artwork, song titles etc during the autumn.

The Brigade.