We have had a 3 months live-break since the fantastic “Winter Europe Tour”. The time has been spent working on pre-prods for album IV. In May we kick of the recording sessionswith a week of skin bashing by Sgt. Steingrim.
But next Wednesday, the 19th of March, we are back in the saddle. We will play at “Indie Recordings Labelnight”. The show will be held at John Dee in Oslo, the night before the Inferno festival. We will be joined by our excellent label mates: Keep of Kalessin, In Vain, Red Harvest & Audrey Horne. The tickets available are very limited, so make sure you will get yours in good time. Vreid will play second last, and will enter the stage at 22.30. Check out the complete time schedule at: www.infernofestival.net.
Allright, see you soon.
The Brigade.