We are proud to announce a new booking partner for the Norwegian territory, and also a booking partner worldwide. All Norwegian booking will now og through JS Artist. Our booking agent at JS Artist is Geir Tore Grinde: gt@artist.no
We are from now on also working with Icon Music Agency. For booking request oustide of Norway you can contact Icon Music Agency at: icon.music@netcabo.pt
Also you can contact us directly at hvall@vreid.no with booking releated questions.
At this link. You can find Warwicks profile on Hváll, who has signed a full endorsment deal with Warwick bass & amplifiers.
Allready 2008 is looking to be an active year for Vreid. We are confirmed for 3 great festivals, and are negotiating with several others as we speak. As soon as the festivals themselves announce the line-up, we will announce it here as well. We are now preparing and very much looking forward to the Winter Europe tour 2007. See you on the road next month.
The Brigade